Shop our online farmers market for quality local food.
Convenient community pickup and delivery.

Find Your Market

We’re making it easier to choose the great food being produced in our very own foodsheds. By shopping on FarmDrop you:

  • Get the freshest, most nutritious local foods available year round
  • Support the interests of small-scale food producers in your community
  • Help preserve the sustainable stewardship of our rural landscapes
  • Sustain local jobs and businesses

FarmDrop increases community access to locally made and grown products through this restructured food system, which in turn, serves our planet and our place-based sense of self and sovereignty. We’re excited for you to join our mission and put your money where your heart is!

Sell on FarmDrop

FarmDrop is a collaborative marketplace hosting multiple farmers and producers together on a local online storefront. Here’s how it works:

  • Shoppers order from your availability each week and pay in advance.
  • A dedicated Market Hub Manager receives your weekly bulk harvest deliveries and parcels out customer orders.
  • Customers pickup their orders at a designated pickup location

This prepaid, harvest-to-order model reduces waste by ensuring your customers get your freshest goods while you make efficient use of your labor, product, and time.

Review our current locations to contact the market hub nearest to you. Your location’s Market Hub Manager will invite you to complete a brief training on how to register on FarmDrop.

Create Your Market

Earn income by supporting your local economy! If you are interested in becoming a FarmDrop Market Hub Manager for your community, or are already in talks with local producers about creating a shared marketing and distribution platform, you’ve come to the right place! It takes about 3 weeks to launch a new market. Find out more.

  • Bring your local producers together in a shared marketplace where they set prices & keep 85% of their sales fee.
  • Earn income by bolstering your local economy! Market Hub Managers receive a small fee, paid by the customer at checkout, for fulfilling each order.
  • FarmDrop provides the tools & training to bring producers onboard and help their stores thrive.