- 207 FarmDrop Market
- 44 North Coffee
- Abraham’s Creamery
- All In Thyme Farm
- Bemis Family Farm
- Blue-Zee Farm
- Community Mushroom Farm
- Crooked Face Creamery
- Friends of the Farm
- Gryffon Ridge Spice Merchants
- Heald Farm
- Hootenanny Bread
- Little Ridge Farm
- Luna Moth Herbs
- Maine Gravy
- Melody Ridge Farm
- Mrs. Hartman’s Farmhouse Market
- Planet Naskeag
- Pure Goodness Olive Oils
- Replenova Farm
- Silverton Sporting Ranch
- Smith’s Maine Nutriment
- Springdale Farm and Creamery
- Springworks Farm Maine Inc.
- Sweet Pea Bakery
- The Maine Meal
- Timber Frame Farm
- Tortilleria Pachanga
- Winter Hill Farm
All In Thyme Farm
All In Thyme Farm started with a dream. The dream is farming. Sara and Rose Stevens started All In Thyme Farm in 2020 with the dream of producing and selling happy pastured meat and eggs. Our dream has come true, and then some. Both of us believe that happy meat tastes better. You can laugh, we don’t mind. We share a love for heritage breed animals. While we work to preserve endangered species, we also offer healthy, antibiotic free, pastured (in season) pork, lamb, and eggs. We also offer fresh veggies, herbs and cut flowers during the growing season.
We raise Native Gulf Coast sheep. They are listed as “critical” on the conservation priority list of the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy and included in the Slow Food USA’s Ark of Taste. They have beautiful wool that is excellent for hand spinning and very unique. With excellent mothering abilities, and sweet personalities, we love these sheep!
We also raise heritage pigs. These pigs are mixed breeds including Large Black, Tamworth, Yorkshire, Hampshire and Gloucestershire Old Spot. These pigs are excellent foragers and have great mothering instincts. We spoil our pigs with scratches and hugs.
In 2022 we committed to converting to a no till farming operation. We will continue using compost produced from our farm to put back into our garden beds to grow nutrient dense crops. Our goal is to regenerate our soil and soil health with no need for commercial fertilizers or pesticides. We practice crop rotation and interplanting of herbs and other plants to assist in pest control. We also plant a wide variety of flowers to encourage pollination
Rose has a passion for cooking good food made from whole, fresh and local ingredients. Rose grew up learning to cook from her mother and now enjoys making food for others to enjoy. We spent time testing our recipes and trialing our products to make sure we are only making the best quality food we can provide. We will always use as many locally sourced and fresh ingredients as we can.
- 207 FarmDrop Market
- 44 North Coffee
- Abraham's Creamery
- All In Thyme Farm
- Bemis Family Farm
- Blue-Zee Farm
- Community Mushroom Farm
- Crooked Face Creamery
- Friends of the Farm
- Gryffon Ridge Spice Merchants
- Heald Farm
- Hootenanny Bread
- Little Ridge Farm
- Luna Moth Herbs
- Maine Gravy
- Melody Ridge Farm
- Mrs. Hartman's Farmhouse Market
- Planet Naskeag
- Pure Goodness Olive Oils
- Replenova Farm
- Silverton Sporting Ranch
- Smith's Maine Nutriment
- Springdale Farm and Creamery
- Springworks Farm Maine Inc.
- Sweet Pea Bakery
- The Maine Meal
- Timber Frame Farm
- Tortilleria Pachanga
- Winter Hill Farm