- 207 FarmDrop Market
- 44 North Coffee
- A Tethered God Herbals
- Abraham’s Creamery
- All In Thyme Farm
- Backstage Farm
- Bagaduce Farm
- Bill’s Bagels
- Blue-Zee Farm
- Community Mushroom Farm
- Crooked Face Creamery
- Food For Thought
- Fountain Farm
- Heald Farm
- Jackman Maple Syrup
- Lincoln’s Farm Stand
- Lucy’s Granola
- Marilyn’s Jam Session
- Melody Ridge Farm
- Planet Naskeag
- Pure Goodness Olive Oils
- Quill’s End Farm
- Rainbow Farm
- Smith’s Maine Nutriment
- Smithereen Farm
- Spring Tide Farmstead
- Springdale Farm and Creamery
- Springworks Farm Maine Inc.
- The Bakery 04476
- Tide Mill Organics
- Timber Frame Farm
Spring Tide Farmstead
Spring Tide Farmstead is on the edge of the beautiful Bagaduce in Sedgwick, Maine. We work diligently to bring hand raised pork, poultry and lamb to our community. We’re thrilled to continue to expand our little farm, selling a variety of selections and meat boxes at local stores, farmers markets, and FarmDrop! We focus on the Gloucestershire Old Spot pigs – an old English heritage breed with big floppy ears. They are gentle giants, attentive mothers, excellent foragers, and produce exceptional quality pork. Also known as “Orchard Pigs,” the meat from the GOS breed is succulent, flavorful and beautifully marbled. One customer described the fat as “tasting like sunshine!” Additionally, we have shifted our ruminant flock almost exclusively to sheep, and look forward to including locally raised lamb in our farmstead offerings.
We have been so thankful for all the community support we have received over the years, and look forward to continuing to share our work with the community through delicious, local meats and naturally dyed, hand crafted textile goods.
You can stay up-to-date with our happenings on Instagram: @SpringTideFarmstead
With gratitude,
~Trent, Emma, Ollie and Bridget
- 207 FarmDrop Market
- 44 North Coffee
- A Tethered God Herbals
- Abraham's Creamery
- All In Thyme Farm
- Backstage Farm
- Bagaduce Farm
- Bill's Bagels
- Blue-Zee Farm
- Community Mushroom Farm
- Crooked Face Creamery
- Food For Thought
- Fountain Farm
- Heald Farm
- Jackman Maple Syrup
- Lincoln's Farm Stand
- Lucy's Granola
- Marilyn's Jam Session
- Melody Ridge Farm
- Planet Naskeag
- Pure Goodness Olive Oils
- Quill's End Farm
- Rainbow Farm
- Smith's Maine Nutriment
- Smithereen Farm
- Spring Tide Farmstead
- Springdale Farm and Creamery
- Springworks Farm Maine Inc.
- The Bakery 04476
- Tide Mill Organics
- Timber Frame Farm