- 207 FarmDrop Market
- 44 North Coffee
- A Tethered God Herbals
- Abraham’s Creamery
- All In Thyme Farm
- Backstage Farm
- Bagaduce Farm
- Bill’s Bagels
- Blue-Zee Farm
- Community Mushroom Farm
- Crooked Face Creamery
- Food For Thought
- Fountain Farm
- Heald Farm
- Jackman Maple Syrup
- Lincoln’s Farm Stand
- Lucy’s Granola
- MDI Herbal Bakery
- Marilyn’s Jam Session
- Melody Ridge Farm
- Painted Pepper Farm Dairy Delights Creamery
- Planet Naskeag
- Pure Goodness Olive Oils
- Quill’s End Farm
- Rainbow Farm
- Seal Point Farm
- Smith’s Maine Nutriment
- Smithereen Farm
- Spring Tide Farmstead
- Springdale Farm and Creamery
- Springworks Farm Maine Inc.
- Sweetfern Farm
- The Bakery 04476
- Tide Mill Organics
- Tilth & Timber
- Timber Frame Farm
- Tinder Hearth
Tide Mill Organics
Our farm is located in Washington County, along the edge of Maine’s easternmost coast. Currently members of the 7th, 8th, and 9th generation Bells raise, process and sell certified organic meat, dairy and vegetables. Aaron Bell and Carly DelSignore are the husband/wife team that own and operate Tide Mill Organic Farm. Our mission is to earn a living together as a family raising and providing nourishing food while promoting healthy lifestyles, partnership with the land and strengthening the agricultural economy of Washington County, Maine and beyond. We hope to leave behind a more enriched agricultural environment and local food systems for future generations.
- 207 FarmDrop Market
- 44 North Coffee
- A Tethered God Herbals
- Abraham's Creamery
- All In Thyme Farm
- Backstage Farm
- Bagaduce Farm
- Bill's Bagels
- Blue-Zee Farm
- Community Mushroom Farm
- Crooked Face Creamery
- Food For Thought
- Fountain Farm
- Heald Farm
- Jackman Maple Syrup
- Lincoln's Farm Stand
- Lucy's Granola
- MDI Herbal Bakery
- Marilyn's Jam Session
- Melody Ridge Farm
- Painted Pepper Farm Dairy Delights Creamery
- Planet Naskeag
- Pure Goodness Olive Oils
- Quill's End Farm
- Rainbow Farm
- Seal Point Farm
- Smith's Maine Nutriment
- Smithereen Farm
- Spring Tide Farmstead
- Springdale Farm and Creamery
- Springworks Farm Maine Inc.
- Sweetfern Farm
- The Bakery 04476
- Tide Mill Organics
- Tilth & Timber
- Timber Frame Farm
- Tinder Hearth