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Ashwagandha Root


This healing root (Latin: Withania somnifera) has gotten quite a lot of press for strengthening, supporting endurance, and as a sleep aid. The properties are best extracted with soluble fats, so if you choose to make a tea with these dried roots, simmer them in water for 15 minutes and then add some milk. Alternatively, grind the roots in a coffee or spice grinder, then warm the powder in any milk of your choice (nut, oat, coconut, dairy all work fine). I like to grind the roots with a shake of cinnamon, cardamom, fennel seed, and nutmeg to make a rich chai-like evening beverage. I also love to drink ashwaganda root with cocoa and maple syrup for a daytime treat.
0.5 oz or 2oz packages

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0.5 oz, 1 oz

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