Classic Traminette Wine
The Classic Traminette Is Our “Signature” Wine
One of the most exciting grape varietals in the Finger Lakes region, Traminette is a first generation hybrid of the famous Gewürztraminer grape grown in the Alsace region of northeast France and a French-American varietal, Johannes Seyve 23-416. The seed that gave birth to Traminette was planted at the Geneva Experimental Station in 1968; however its heritage traces back to its Gewürztraminer parent in the village of Tramin, Italy, around 1000 a.d. Arbor Hill was the first winery anywhere to introduce this wonderful creation, and through the years it has won many prestigious awards, being recognized several times at the Jefferson Classics as an “Example of American Greatness.” Traminette is known for its spicy, fresh – fruit character. (“Gewürzt” in German means spice.) As it bottle ages, it takes on flavors reminiscent of the great French Sauternes, exhibiting a diminished presence of spiciness but an increase in honey and apricot overtones. Enjoy with flavorful entrees, particularly cuisines from the Orient and India, and as a perfect accompaniment to cheeses such as Brie or Camembert
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