Senior Food Fund



Senior Food Fund


Hi, I’m Hannah Semler, CEO and cofounder of FarmDrop L3C (or 2.0) – you can thank the Blue Hill Wineshop for the Original FarmDrop! FarmDrop is dedicated to farm viability and food security from the ground up.

With my grandmother Dottie Hayes we started the Food for Thought fund at George Stevens academy to address student food insecurity in 2018 and pay for student lunches.

This year, through Blue Hill FarmDrop, we launched the Senior Food Fund in memory of my grandmother Mary Semler. Grandma was one of my volunteers packing bags for customers, and a supporter of FarmDrop in all ways.

She did not like to spend money on food, or go grocery shopping, but she liked the idea of ordering small quantities of food online and getting it delivered to her doorstep. She once told me how she used to call the local grocer in town to see what was in and what was good that day and then make her food plan and drive in. At age 99, and not driving, she could still have independence by just looking online, placing an order and waiting for Wednesday for the local food delivery.

The Senior Food Fund makes Wednesday food deliveries through FarmDrop a simple way to check in with our elders. If you want to help drive, or know a senior who might need this service, we are listening.

Thank you!



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